I am sure you are now seeing that our external world is changing right before your eyes. You can either see this as more disruption, confusion and deception, or an opportunity for our Souls to be free of obstacles to truth.
Have you been finding yourself to be confused? Can't make a decision? Can't put your finger on the feeling? In general disarray? Have no idea how to proceed? This is exactly where we are. Don't let this stop you from moving forward!
We are now ready to see what the tornado I referred to earlier this year has revealed in its wake!
In order for us to evolve, our current reality needs to be disrupted. For now, we are being forced to face our everyday. No vision for the future. No obsession with the past. Our heads are being held to take a good look at our present.
The teaching here? The road to the future lies in the choices we make today! Slow down and be present. It will help to free you of habits of thought, behavior and response.
For those of you who like to see the big picture or set your sights on the future manifestation of your goals, this can be a challenge. Usually, the distant "bulls-eye" helps to pull you forward and you kind of float along towards it, allowing yourself to be pulled. The energy is not doing that right now. It is "still" in that we need to understand, on a daily basis, how we are betraying or abandoning our truth. These are the obstacles that need to be dissolved. The purpose of having our attention on our daily life (who we talk to, what we do, where we are, what decisions we make), is meant to reveal to us what needs to shift, what needs to dissolve, what needs to expand, and what needs to be tweaked.
In other words: it is time to allow yourself to re-adjust.
A good meditation to do is to picture yourself letting go of the strings you hold onto to everyone and everything in your life. Just let go and let them shift and change. Explore how this feels within you to do this. We are typically holding on tight. Practice letting go of the ties that bind to allow for the natural change. Your own frequency will promote the changes so you can be assured it will be for the continued expression of your Soul's truth.
What is promoting this change? For the astrologers, we are moving towards a summer of planetary retrogrades. Neptune in particular will assist us in getting clear on the reality of manifesting what is next. Although dreamers love Neptune's magical mists, we do need to put our feet down every now and again to "see" what practical steps need to be taken. Neptune's retrograde will take place at 29 degrees of Pisces and very slowly travel back only two degrees. We are at the end of a very long transit here so this is a potent energy. Make good use of it. There will be more planetary retrogrades throughout the rest of the summer. More will be revealed to us on a personal and national/global scale. Whatever happens, remember that all of this is meant to help us evolve personally and collectively!
If you have been following the chakra story, the Sacral chakra continues to change. The Second Chakra is THE STORY right now as we release those ties that no longer function for our best benefit. As I mentioned in last month's thoughts, activity in the Crown chakra is prominent right now with the Brow chakra secondary. The effect of the major Crown download is causing pressure on the Brow chakra. Here we find disruption in our perception and thoughts. This has to happen to free us of how we make sense of our lives. Most of the client sessions this month have been in assisting to assimilate the changes for a better experience.
Allow for this disruption by getting busy in the body and doing practical daily tasks.
What is happening behind the scenes? Currently, the Heart chakra is being recalibrated without our input or knowledge. This is happening on a collective scale. Be aware that in the coming weeks, you may become disentangled emotionally from previous beliefs on what is important for you to be connected to. I am here to help you process and adjust to this if you need it!
While we travel through these changeable times, find a way to ground your vibrational shifts in the root chakra!
Stay "High Vibe" and talk with you all next month!
Much love, Lisa