We find ourselves at the end of the year and where are we? The atmosphere is still changing daily, with this week's line up of players signifying lots of bluster, talk, and quite possibly explosive forces. If you are getting the sense that humanity is on the precipice of an enormous shift, you are correct!
The one thing that we have learned over the past year is to trust our intuition. Intuition is thought and feeling uniting to perceive the greater reality and thus, point us in the right direction. How are you doing with this? If you are listening, watching and reacting to "the show", then you are in the disruption frequency. The external can be quite disruptive to our own intuitive process. There is nothing wrong with including other information into your process, but in the end, it must be your own mind and feelings that bring you to your present truth.
As we head towards the close of 2024, we are being invited to position ourselves to enter a new era. Whether you are comfortable with change or not, it doesn't matter. It is happening. What side of this do you want to be on? Will you participate or will you try to remain in the old way? I invite you to move into receptive mode, as flowing towards the future is a much better experience than being dragged! Is this unsettling? Most definitely!
The main reason for the resistance is that we have never been here before. We have never lived the life we are about to live. We have never been the person we are about to be. We have never lived in a world we are going to be experiencing. And, we cannot apply our typical approach to managing all of it. Deep inside, we know this. How do we move forward?
This kind of change brings such freedom. However, before experiencing freedom, we may feel sadness as we feel ourselves drift away from our previous life. When longstanding aspects of self come apart, it takes time for us to acclimate. Once there is some distance, our attention can be fully on the present and we sense the freedom. After enjoying the freedom, we can then move more positively towards the future!
If you think or feel that you don't really know what is ahead of you, you are right where you are supposed to be. If you have no idea what your desire will create for you, you are correct. If you cannot imagine who you will be, you are right on target. This is all new. You are free to create something about yourself you have never experienced before and do it in a way you have never dared try before. We are in an incredibly exciting time!
Astrologically, the most important week is Dec. 4th -7th. There are so many planetary aspects we may feel things changing minute to minute. Allow yourself to process what is happening without attachment and without judgment. The December 15th full moon in talkative Gemini (23 degrees) will provide the details and the December 29th new moon in Capricorn (9 degrees) with signify the close of a very long chapter and the beginning of a fresh energy. Thank goodness, because that energy has been so heavy for us all for a very long time!!!
In sessions with clients, this has been manifesting in the chakra system as follows: we began with the Sacral chakra's shift in desire. Once we are have decided to connect with different desires, our frequency changes in this space and it begins the process of dissolving connections to people, places and things that do not coincide with what is essential for the new desired creation. All year, this chakra has dominated the Soul's journey toward a new sense of wholeness. Once the Sacral chakra changes frequency, the Root chakra no longer feeds the manifestations that block the new creation. Roots begin to die off. Stability, safety, family, where we are planted, and our 3D manifestations are all destabilized as we make adjustments.
Within our Heart space, we began gestating a new sense of the truth and how that will be expressed in our reality. Uncomfortable to say the least. We are now ready to reveal that new truth.
To support the Sacral chakra's new frequency, the Crown was opened up to reach as high as we could go to connect with the Divine's direction and knowledge began to flow. As this information descended to the Brow chakra, our current perception of our reality began to change. As of now, the Crown is in direct contact with the Higher Self and the Brow has cleared out and now awaits the new understanding. Talk about seeing what you have never noticed or wanted to notice! Again, pretty uncomfortable.
Presently, the Throat chakra is wild with excitement as it prepares to find ways to express this new understanding! First, there was the need to talk about what we realized (ugh) and now, the energy in this chakra is changing quickly! With all of this change, the Solar plexus has had to wind down and this always feels like we don't know what to do. That's ok! Time is needed to relax into freedom before deciding how to exercise our power.
All of this will lead us to a new way of creating - the Divine Feminine is on the rise within. What the heck is that all about?? We shall see!
My wish for you all is that in the coming weeks, you find your freedom and relish in the experience!
Looking forward to the next part our next journey together!
Love and light, Lisa
The one thing that we have learned over the past year is to trust our intuition. Intuition is thought and feeling uniting to perceive the greater reality and thus, point us in the right direction. How are you doing with this? If you are listening, watching and reacting to "the show", then you are in the disruption frequency. The external can be quite disruptive to our own intuitive process. There is nothing wrong with including other information into your process, but in the end, it must be your own mind and feelings that bring you to your present truth.
As we head towards the close of 2024, we are being invited to position ourselves to enter a new era. Whether you are comfortable with change or not, it doesn't matter. It is happening. What side of this do you want to be on? Will you participate or will you try to remain in the old way? I invite you to move into receptive mode, as flowing towards the future is a much better experience than being dragged! Is this unsettling? Most definitely!
The main reason for the resistance is that we have never been here before. We have never lived the life we are about to live. We have never been the person we are about to be. We have never lived in a world we are going to be experiencing. And, we cannot apply our typical approach to managing all of it. Deep inside, we know this. How do we move forward?
This kind of change brings such freedom. However, before experiencing freedom, we may feel sadness as we feel ourselves drift away from our previous life. When longstanding aspects of self come apart, it takes time for us to acclimate. Once there is some distance, our attention can be fully on the present and we sense the freedom. After enjoying the freedom, we can then move more positively towards the future!
If you think or feel that you don't really know what is ahead of you, you are right where you are supposed to be. If you have no idea what your desire will create for you, you are correct. If you cannot imagine who you will be, you are right on target. This is all new. You are free to create something about yourself you have never experienced before and do it in a way you have never dared try before. We are in an incredibly exciting time!
Astrologically, the most important week is Dec. 4th -7th. There are so many planetary aspects we may feel things changing minute to minute. Allow yourself to process what is happening without attachment and without judgment. The December 15th full moon in talkative Gemini (23 degrees) will provide the details and the December 29th new moon in Capricorn (9 degrees) with signify the close of a very long chapter and the beginning of a fresh energy. Thank goodness, because that energy has been so heavy for us all for a very long time!!!
In sessions with clients, this has been manifesting in the chakra system as follows: we began with the Sacral chakra's shift in desire. Once we are have decided to connect with different desires, our frequency changes in this space and it begins the process of dissolving connections to people, places and things that do not coincide with what is essential for the new desired creation. All year, this chakra has dominated the Soul's journey toward a new sense of wholeness. Once the Sacral chakra changes frequency, the Root chakra no longer feeds the manifestations that block the new creation. Roots begin to die off. Stability, safety, family, where we are planted, and our 3D manifestations are all destabilized as we make adjustments.
Within our Heart space, we began gestating a new sense of the truth and how that will be expressed in our reality. Uncomfortable to say the least. We are now ready to reveal that new truth.
To support the Sacral chakra's new frequency, the Crown was opened up to reach as high as we could go to connect with the Divine's direction and knowledge began to flow. As this information descended to the Brow chakra, our current perception of our reality began to change. As of now, the Crown is in direct contact with the Higher Self and the Brow has cleared out and now awaits the new understanding. Talk about seeing what you have never noticed or wanted to notice! Again, pretty uncomfortable.
Presently, the Throat chakra is wild with excitement as it prepares to find ways to express this new understanding! First, there was the need to talk about what we realized (ugh) and now, the energy in this chakra is changing quickly! With all of this change, the Solar plexus has had to wind down and this always feels like we don't know what to do. That's ok! Time is needed to relax into freedom before deciding how to exercise our power.
All of this will lead us to a new way of creating - the Divine Feminine is on the rise within. What the heck is that all about?? We shall see!
My wish for you all is that in the coming weeks, you find your freedom and relish in the experience!
Looking forward to the next part our next journey together!
Love and light, Lisa