In the death throes...
These couple of days are INSANELY intense as we have entered the death throes (9/14-9/18). This is the next stage of the gestation of the womb in the heart..
The set up of energies right now have moved the hands of the clock of Soul time into a deep state of completion. The lunar eclipse in Pisces (25 degrees), is helping us to remove a connection that our energy has been diving into. This "removal" is a long time coming. The question to ask yourself is how have I abandoned myself for a person, place, thing, belief or thought? This full moon eclipse is assisting you in taking back that part of self.
It is typical of empaths to leave themselves for the sake of something or someone that they believe needs their support. The energy required to do this drains you of your own life force yet you do it based on some belief that is keeping your own growth at bay! The time for your Soul to journey onward is now!
Between the eclipse and Mars in Cancer squaring the North Node in Aries (7 degrees), we now have the emotional power to take back our life force. This take back will then rejuvenate our energy field. While it does, we can contemplate who we will be now that we are determined to live for ourselves- handcuffs off! Have we given up a dream, love, health, stability? The Soul's journey is directing us to explore these questions and seek out a part of self that we have abandoned.
The awareness of the next layer of being that we will embody is what we have been gestating and with this lunar eclipse, we can now regain the energy required for this awareness. When we get to the Solar eclipse in Libra (10 degrees) on Oct 3rd, we will come into the understanding of how we will now be in relationship to the world without sacrificing our Soul's vibrancy! Difficult but exciting times for sure. Stay tuned for what is next!!!