Happy Fall!!!
Hope you are all fairing well between this wild weather and the energetic changes that are now rolling out! I will go into it a bit to discuss this, so bear with me as my post is a bit longer than usual!
As our season shifts from summer to fall, we are all transitioning as well. These next few months, we will be in the process of beginning to express all the internal transformations we have been working on. A big piece of this "new" self is the awareness of what parts of ourselves we have ignored, judged, set aside, dismissed or we simply believed, was not acceptable in a relationship. Sharing what you need, expressing your feelings, communicating your thoughts all fall into this change. Does this mean that others will validate or approve of our new self-expression? Some will and some will not. There will be people, jobs, routines, creative endeavors, communities, careers, lifestyles, families and beliefs that no longer "vibe" with this new awareness. When this happens, we move out of previous relationships and seek to connect with the new reflection. Why? Because everything around us is a reflection of our own self-worth, self-belief, and self-definition. When this evolves, our surrounding world changes to match it.
It will seem as if we have a choice whether to express our new level of self or not, but the answer to that is NO. All impacting energies will compel us to do this! We are being tasked with taking the initiative to challenge ourselves to follow our truth, align with what is reflecting of you who we really are, daring to live our REAL selves in an area of life that we have been holding back on. We know what this is. It is now in our consciousness and must be embodied. At times like these, if we try to hold onto the past out of fear, it will only get more painful.
Living our truth is preceded by self-awareness. Once we are able to grasp, with clarity, an awareness that is accurate, we can begin to find a way to express it and live it. Our power is in self-awareness - the kind of power that has no need to exercise itself over others, but to empower us to experience it within.
These energetic changes are helping us to bring a more accurate sense of self into our reality. My suggestion is to face the gauntlet and when you get to the end of that process, you will be standing FIRM in who you are.
With all of this in mind, I have changed the group meditation and Reiki healings to be Archangel Transmission sessions to enlist the help of the higher beings that are available to us as we move into this new energy pattern. Each month, we will work with a different Archangel. In September, we welcomed Uriel's practical leadership. In October, we will work with Michael to embody courage and protection. All sessions have been scheduled on the calendar so you can plan ahead!
Come 2024, we need to be grounded in our new truth, ready to manage the intense changes that will come. All Empaths, Healers, Guides, Teachers, Lightworkers - anyone who has intentionally aligned with being a force of light energy, are being called to prepare. Sending you all much love and light as you move into this powerful stage and I look forward to being a part of your journey! XO
Hope you are all fairing well between this wild weather and the energetic changes that are now rolling out! I will go into it a bit to discuss this, so bear with me as my post is a bit longer than usual!
As our season shifts from summer to fall, we are all transitioning as well. These next few months, we will be in the process of beginning to express all the internal transformations we have been working on. A big piece of this "new" self is the awareness of what parts of ourselves we have ignored, judged, set aside, dismissed or we simply believed, was not acceptable in a relationship. Sharing what you need, expressing your feelings, communicating your thoughts all fall into this change. Does this mean that others will validate or approve of our new self-expression? Some will and some will not. There will be people, jobs, routines, creative endeavors, communities, careers, lifestyles, families and beliefs that no longer "vibe" with this new awareness. When this happens, we move out of previous relationships and seek to connect with the new reflection. Why? Because everything around us is a reflection of our own self-worth, self-belief, and self-definition. When this evolves, our surrounding world changes to match it.
It will seem as if we have a choice whether to express our new level of self or not, but the answer to that is NO. All impacting energies will compel us to do this! We are being tasked with taking the initiative to challenge ourselves to follow our truth, align with what is reflecting of you who we really are, daring to live our REAL selves in an area of life that we have been holding back on. We know what this is. It is now in our consciousness and must be embodied. At times like these, if we try to hold onto the past out of fear, it will only get more painful.
Living our truth is preceded by self-awareness. Once we are able to grasp, with clarity, an awareness that is accurate, we can begin to find a way to express it and live it. Our power is in self-awareness - the kind of power that has no need to exercise itself over others, but to empower us to experience it within.
These energetic changes are helping us to bring a more accurate sense of self into our reality. My suggestion is to face the gauntlet and when you get to the end of that process, you will be standing FIRM in who you are.
With all of this in mind, I have changed the group meditation and Reiki healings to be Archangel Transmission sessions to enlist the help of the higher beings that are available to us as we move into this new energy pattern. Each month, we will work with a different Archangel. In September, we welcomed Uriel's practical leadership. In October, we will work with Michael to embody courage and protection. All sessions have been scheduled on the calendar so you can plan ahead!
Come 2024, we need to be grounded in our new truth, ready to manage the intense changes that will come. All Empaths, Healers, Guides, Teachers, Lightworkers - anyone who has intentionally aligned with being a force of light energy, are being called to prepare. Sending you all much love and light as you move into this powerful stage and I look forward to being a part of your journey! XO